staying busy and general conference

This week has been great!! This week was transfers and yes I'm still here in Moapa Valley and I'm so happy! It's all good so we have just been getting back to work. On Monday it was P-day so we found out who was going and staying then kinda just hungout played basketball then we came back and helpedthe Stake Mission Leader with his training he was gonna give to all the WML's we then went and visited a family who's teenager has been struggling but we taught them the Restoration and it was great we then went to our ward missionary's house Sister Whipple and she hoooked us up with food again!! She's the bomb plus I got a great package from Aunt Michelle just Loaded with Food. Tuesday we biked around just visiting people updating them with what we're doing in the work and what not on our bikes!! which I actually kinda enjoy. We then went up to Moapa and saw some people and talked to Cholie and Joachim and they said they really liked church so that was great we stopped by the Pulsipher family just an awesome member family that helps us a lot and we visited Inactive Dad and we had MATE!!! ahhahahah it was BOMB Im working on getting some. I told them about my Blog too so they're gonna check it out. Sister Pulsipher said she's gonna comment haaha. Wednesday was just another day at the grind working visiting nothing too exciting until our Dinner with the Wray family. She is from england but grew up  a muslim and she told us her conversion story how they were trying to killher because she converted from muslim it was crazy!! Then on the drive back with her husband he talked to us about the importance of documenting everything pictures and journals so I'll get better with pictures. We also talked about how our wives need to be our best friends how we need to like them and love them. It was cool. Thursday we had get to know you activity as a zone to get to know the new elders in the zone. 2 in my district and a new Zone leader. That was cool. We came back and got to the work on our bikes. This time I had my first fall!! Just hit some hard dirt ditch thing and rolled but all is good just broke my reflector off. We then went to teach the Parra family. We were going to show them Between Heaven and Earth so we borrowed a DVD player from our WML in Logandale, Bro Rebman. Rebman's own mortuarys and thats his business so they live right behind it and are in and out all the time so we got the DVD player from him went then realized we needed the remote so we came back and went and asked for it. He said sure so he went back to the garage of the Mortuary and opened the room that said Employees only and as we looked in we saw a dead lady uncovered creepy face and all!! WHAT THE FREAK!! Freaked me out!! hahah but we got the remote and had an awesome lesson about temples and Hope that's what pushes Jesus to baptism. We then got to plan for the week and we commmited to speaking more spanish so It's helping a lot. We then had a lesson that night with Siovan Diaz. She is the sister of Sister Parra, not member. Gonzalez talked, as I ate the food she prepared for us and Gonzo didn;t feel good so just me but it was way way good!!, then I came back and we talked of the importance of Baptism and stuff and it was great as I got to talk and share stories and testimony in spanish and eventually We committed her to November 12th so Its exciting!! THen Of course was th weekend!! AWESOEME!!! WE just watched it at the Stake Center but it was great. Saturday morning was all great talks Pres Packer just dropped it!! awesome! Priesthood was killer as Holland Dropped Cain too!! then Sunday morning was incredible I starred all the talks so i could print them off. I actually really enjoyed Sis Daltons a lot. but Conference was soooo awesome. Afterwards I was able to take a step back and look at myself and stuff and realized what I can improve in and really put it to effort so all is good! Thatswhat we need to do is just look at everything from the big perspective. I love you all! I'll leave you with the quote that I really enjoyed from Elder Cook of the 70 talking about looking up. He said "Look up and Step Up, then we will cheer up" The only way we can be truly happy is looking up and relying on our Father in Heaven and as he prompts us we gotta step up to those then we will be really happy!! but also as we look up we really see the beauty of everything around us and open our minds so life is great. I love you all. One Love
Elder Dubois


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