fourth of july in the mtc

Hey guys just another week on the grind but it was a fun/ awesome week!! Well it started last week I guess the highlight of last week was one of the Hermanas (Hermana Johnson) got sick and asked me to give her a blessing! It was super crazy I was so nervous it was indeed my first one so I was scared! I don't think it was the best one but I mean i was really just putty in the Spirits hands so I did what I could and it was okay. I felt kinda iffy about it because she got even more sick the next day and couldn't come to class but got better and it made me feel good that she was talking across the room to one of our branch presidency and said she thinks she was healed becuase of faith and an Elder's blessing. That was an awesome experience for me. I also took Elder Smitley to Physical Therapy, he has back muscle problems, so i was out in the outside world so tempted to watch sportscenter and NFL live that was on the TV's but i was able to sit there and study and actually memorized the first vision in Spanish!! It's amazing how much my spanish has improved! It is just incredible what the Lord can do! On Sunday we had a Devotional but it was crazy it was a musical devotional by Jenny Oaks Baker, a professional? violinist. She played a bunch of songs and bore her testimony on multiple things it was crazy the spirit that was there! Afterwards we arranged it so we got all the guys that were on my floor together and take a picture! It was awesome! I'll send it to you when I get that cord! Thanks for the package by the way! Really grateful everyone is so jealous of my packages hahahh they're like I love your family and i don't even know them! I always brag about all of you too!! Me and Elder Bradford had our best lesson this week too! We are teaching 2 "investigators" which are our teachers but it is so helpful. We taught our investigator Noemi about the Restoration and I was able to say the first Vision looking at her the whole time too! The spirit is SOOO strong here I love it! Oh on saturday we had a special event a celebration for the 4th and so we had an advisor to The President of the United States talk to us, he's a member so it was spiritual too!! We then got to watch the fireworks from stadium of Fire It was way awesome!! Everything seems to be going well I've gotten really close to my district, the other district in my zone that came in with us, another distric who leaves on Monday, and am starting to get close to another district and we got a new one today! I am loving it here!! Dad you have the best stories for me! I was reading them aloud to my district and they were dying the all think my family is the best! I really appreciate everyone's advice too! the quotes and scriptures are great i put them on my bulletin board to look at at night! Talise and Alex y'all are slacking!! just kidding but Ta for real any advice for the sisters? I feel like my district is my family now hahahah oh and Al there is another sister in my zone going to Santiago DR so i was talking to her about it a little too she told me she heard about Jaroa but thats it I would love to keep hearing from everyone though the DearElder letters are the best so if you can do those! I also found out that there is one elder in my zone that knows the Andersens worked at Coldstone and everything Elder Devin Montgomery it was crazy talking to him I've been here 3 weeks living down the hall from him and just figured this out! Oh and I would love to have a Family picture too if thats not too much! Thanks for everything guys the work is great and I'm still loving. LIVIN THE DREAM! I fiigured out too its soooo much better when your positive and don't complain as much hahah oh and Al Hermano coldo something like that came in and talked to me randomly told me to say hi but i forgot his name ahhaha but thanks again y'all I sure do love you and pictures are great if you could send those!!
Le Amo Familia!!
Elder Dubois
Oh and i have a friend that got here last week and he always called me Double D and so now him and his companion call me Elder Double D its awesome!!


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