Goodbyes? See Ya Laters?
This weekend has been a great weekend but has, at the same time, been a bit bittersweet. First off it has been great to have my lovely extended family the Andersens come and visit this weekend. It has also been a blast going around seeing all of my friends who just seems like I met them graduating and it's been such a pleasure to spend time with them, but as I was making my rounds it began to hit me like a brick wall that for at least I won't be seeing these wonderful people in both my family and my friends. It hit me really hard, but I got advice from one of my best friends that you know what the people that want to stay in contact will and those who don't won't. This provided some comfort thinking that rather than a goodbye it can be more of a see ya later. So as I look to go on with my life and looking forward to the wonderful day that my mission starts and I begin the Best 2 years I don't have to worry about my friends and family because I know that I will see them again but I do also know that if at any point I might feel lonely I know that I always have someone to fall back on in my Brother Jesus Christ. I love you all. One love
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