a BIG DOUBLE dinner

6 august 2012

Man just soooo awesome out here! I love it out here! Being with Elder Vega has just been such a good time. We cover awesome wards too! Our family ward is sooo helpful and very kind. They are pretty young so that is slightly ruckusful but it is great they help us out all the time and we do splits every wednesday! So that is awesome adn we are also covering a singles ward which is weird cause it actually covers to stakes and two missions. The boundaries split our mission and west so we serve with some other missionaries so that is interesting. But they are cool just different very fun but it is weird seeing it from the missionary stand point so how do you all work with singles wards and missionary work? I guess mainly Ta and Al but any help would work we have 2 pretty sweet investigators going but we'll see how they continue to progress. As far as this last week just crazy running here and there and we're really in finding mode so we had a couple days of just qwesting or just walking the streets and talking. So that has been really cool. On wednesday we had Zone Leader Council so we just all met and talked about the issues in the mission and stuff going on and so that was really cool but now we have a zone training meeting we're doing tomorrow so I've been preparing a lot for that especially cause we decided I'm doing a training on my own and with Vega mine is on being a quality person and how that effects us as missionaries and we're doing how to begin teaching. So we're super excited and just got a week full of stuff with that and exchanges. Our visa waiter just got transferred so we're giving him up today but that will be good to have the opportunity to just be zone leaders and really catch up with Elder Vega. I cannot believe Elder Epley is home already! That is soooo crazy It makes me nervous cause I know its coming that fast for me too but we're just doing our best to live it day by day and work hard and really love our zone but it is hard cause they've asked us to not focus on Zone Unity so we're working our way around it and loving all our missionaries. It is sooo good to hear from yall every week. I guess the highlight this week or something crazy is what happened saturday night. So we first had a dinner and there are 2 missionaries Elder Maiwiriri and Lovell told us they had to double dinner that night with a crazy black lady who loves feeding missionaries so we decided to go help them  out and so we went and little did we know that she was cooking really southern like. She cooked from 2 until 6ish with we had chicken and butterbeans and ox tail and potatoes and cabbage and hushpuppies and soooooo much food. We had paper plates and it was full and just a mountain of food on it to where the plates were actually bending and leaking but it was soooo good and we decided before taht we were all putting it down no matter what! SO we did and I had the 2nd most food behind Elder Mai who is a big poly kid. Needless to say we were sick. SOOOO crazy but sooo delicious and I would def do it again. Well I love you all and sorry we're being rushed But I do love you!!

Love Elder Dubois


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