off to north las vegas

16 july 2012

Well this week was super awesome hard to go for the end of the transfer! But it was all good! I got to go on an exchange with Elder Marquez and Rasmussen and it was super awesome I got to help the both of them out a bit. And with Elder Marquez we went to our bisopric member and he told us they need us a ton of help! Super awesome but super nervous. So he asked us to give strong super power talks on sundays and so I was preparing for that all week! But it was super exciting. Tuesday we had a big zone meeting and I was asked to give a training and it went super well. I love training especially just feeling so guided by the spirit. Then we have just been helping to find new investigators and keep ours moving forward but its a process. Then on saturday we did a 3 stake plus interfaith service project to clean up a neighborhood and it was sooooo awesome! we got to see all the missionaries and serve the community and bring a good name to the church! I loved it though! Just been awesome we found a new investigator named angelica who jsut wants to learn so much! But then sunday came around and the talk! But I actually got to do a musical number with Elder Rasmussen too! So the spirit was super strong and the talk went awesome! The bishopric said something after about how the young men should look up to these strong powerful missionaries! I'll try and send it to ya but we'll see!Then we got transfers and.... I'm going to North Las Vegas! I'm going to Zone Leader with Elder Vega again!! I am soooo pumped just to see what to have in stoere with us again! So the work is still moving forward and I'm glad ya'll met Hilary! She is soooo awesome! Super fun I'm glad she is part of the clan now!! I love you all!
Love Elder DD


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