getting warm -- or HOT

25 june 2012

Well Family,
This week was another great week. We had an awesome opportunity this week we had some priests from another ward come and serve a mini mission with us and it was really neat. We got to be with them from 9-9 and it was super good and I learned a lot from it. We had Manny Torres he just got baptized a year ago about and is planning on going on his mission in 10 months. It was neat to take him out and have him share his experiences. Our whole district had one so we got to do mini exchanges for all of them so we all got to take each of them out and it was just sooo cool to see that the youth can have such a strong influence and testimony that can touch the hearts of the people. We had a couple awesome lessons with Juana and Victoria this week and just so awesome the love that I have for them and just want them to keep on keeping on! So the funny story of the week is what happened this Saturday. So we had a lot of broken tubes and problems with my bike so we got a new tube and went to go fix it at the church when we were helping set up for a Father's Day Party. Our Counselor started to fix my tire and somehow got the tube in slightly twisted I believe but he had me start pumping it up. Then It was already pretty tough then he made a noise boom then just laughed but told me to keep going and then BOOOM!!! It actually blew up!! Slime from the tube everywhere slightly damaged ears and just a whole lot of confused people! So he told me go buy a new tube and tread and give me the receipt and the church will reimburse you.... So I don't know whats going on! But the week has been soooo awesome. Just learning a lot but also the really cool thing is this week a couple of my elders came up and told me they've been having problems so they came to me for help and I was able to take them aside and try and lead by the spirit and it was super awesome! Cause I can honestly say that It was very led by the spirit. So it was sooooo awesome! I just love the spot that I'm in and the opportunities that provide itself to me. But its great its getting hot here over 100 everyday I think the other day it was supposed to get up to 120 but I don't know if it did or not I just kinda go and no worries we are drinking a lot of water but its a good finding opportunity to cause everyone is usually good at giving us water. It is super cool so definitely trying to be creative in finding! I love this work though and I love you all! Les quiero!!
Con amor,
Elder Dubois 


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