call from the assistants --- TRAINING

Yeah so Family you guessed it I got transferred. It was a crazy crazy weekend leading up to it. So we got the call Saturday night that I was going back to Vegas. It was way cool just very surreal. So Sunday we just said bye to all members and investigators. Then when we got back home we got a cal from the Assistants and.... ELDER DUBOIS YOUR TRAINING! WHAT THE FREAK!! I was just freaking out I didn't know what to expect but I was very excited and nervous too. But last monday we made the 8 hour drive down from Elko to vegas hence the not emailing. It was a long drive just me ad Elder Dixon and our Vehicle Coordinator. So it was way long but super good. So we finally got to Vegas and just got to hang out with some other Elders for the night then I had my meeting in the morning for the trainers. It was super exciting. Way fun then we had transfer conference and that was super just AWESOME. Way weird Elder Gonzalez went home so that was super sad but he did introduce me to his mom and that was super nice. But we didn't find out who we're training until Wednesday but I did find out that I am actually District Leader as well! And guess who's in my district Elder Bradford my MTC companion and Elder Hillam. So that is super cool but little nervous for more responsibility but I am in Central Zone of Las Vegas. I guess actually in the Ghetto part to speaking spanish so I am excited. So wednesday we had more training and went to find out who our Greeny was going to be and... I didn't get one. My companion is still in Mexico waiting for his visa. So I just get to 3-pack with Elder Hillam and Gutierrez for a while. But then They called me the next day and told me he's not coming anymore so we'll find out today exactly what is going on. But I won't be training this transfer but that is okay. But we have just been going around and biking and talking to people and it's been awesome. My area is all bike so I'm excited and the best part is there's BLACK PEOPLE!! It is so fun talking to them about their hats and shoes and of course the Gospel. It is super fun. I do love it and we can see the temple so it is amazing!! I am way excited for this area and transfer no matter what goes on. Sorry not too exciting But i do love you all. And appreciate all that you do. Love You!!
Elder DD 


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