27 febrero 2012

Family Family Family

Life is too good to complain. Last P-day was a normal P-day just doing our thing I cranked out about 8 handwritten letters but just enjoying life. Then we got out and contacted some people. We talked to one lady who was taking the lessons and some reason it stopped but she's super interested and her husband is too but is un barracho so its hard, but we'll meet with them this week hopefully. But the lesson  I learned on Monday was that Gospel changes our lives especially ours and we need to not be afraid to share that but also something that ya'll always taught me and that is that everyone is watching you and it is always important for people to see that we are different but in a good way I like to express that through happiness personally. So Tuesday was an interesting day. After personal study we get a call and it was Elder White, from Overton, and he wanted to call and tell me that he is going home. That was and is a little hard for me. He went into the MTC a week after me and I think I can say he was one of my best friends on the mission so it was way hard to hear that although it was an honorable release for medical it still stinks. But life goes on I guess and we got to maintain a positive attitude about it all. So we went to District meeting and that was good as normal talking about the Doctrine of Christ and using it in our lessons. It was good. Then we went out to Carlin where we taught a family but we watched The Testaments with them. It was AWESOME!! It was weird how strong the spirit was as we watched it. Just made it all super real to me. putting a picture to when Christ really did come to the Americas. We then came back and met with the Sotelos and we just read the Book of Mormon with them but of course she fed us so we had some rice with chile hahah but this was bad cause we already had 2 dinners that night. So we went to the first one which was for Mardi Gras cause he served his mission in Louisiana and it was delicious. We had this massive sandwich called a moofalotta? or something like that. Then we went to our next dinner with a less active family which was good. Hopefully they start coming back. Then went on with the night as we went to Juancitos house but it was cool he was so pumped to tell us a story how the Holy Ghost kept him safe already. The lessons I learned/emphasized to me were God has a personal plan for each and everyone one of us. And that Christ lives and will come again but we don't need to stress we need to just live life to the fullest always remembering Him. Wednesday morning we went to go pick up my pants that a lady was fixing and she did patch them but she also got me a brand new pair of pants for my suit. SHE IS THE BOMB. Then we just did our rounds visiting people and less actives and one of them just turned on ESPN while we were there and it was so hard to not watch but it was tight! Tebow and Quinn Drama!! hahah we then went back to the Sotelos and they fed us dinner a delicious soup but I ate far tooo much. We then went over to potentials house and that was super cool we had been trying for a long time but we finally got in and we taught them 2 hours of the first and 2nd lesson but it was really cool cause they actually tried to text us saying don't come over but we never got it so it was really cool. The lesson is the Lord works in crazy ways we just gotta recognize it. Then Thursday was cool. Very normal day until night. At night we actually got to go to dinner by ourselves and we went on a man date to sushi and it was delicious slightly expensive but delicious. Then we went and taught the Young men. We shared a talk we got. It was a fireside by a RM Sister named Diana Hoeschner? but hse talked about how we can do member missionary work and how her family did it. IT WAS AWESOME! Got them excited. The lesson today is that we worry too much we need to just live for today and forget about tomorrow. Friday was a normal Friday as we weekly planned then got out and saw some people afterwards. We then had a lesson on humility with Bro Johnson and that was awesome then we went on exchanges with Zone Leaders and so I was with Elder Dixon and we got a call from president. So I got an email from Alex Dubois a couple weeks ago saying he was driving through so I emailed Pres and he finally read it and called me Friday and said, "Sorry it took so long but yeah since your brother was just driving through and it wasn't like you planned it you could've gone to lunch with him. hahhahah freak but all is well. Then Saturday was exchanges and it was awesome. I was with Elder Dixon from St Louis and he is a really good missionary very obedient and stuff so a lot of elders dont like him but I really enjoyed my die we had a lot of fun and even buried a dead cat we found. IT WAS GROSS. Then sunday was awesome I actually spoke in Spanish and English so it was really cool Im going to try and send those to you. Then we met some potentials and got to know them a young unmarried couple who are my age or a year younger living together but they are awesome! This week was a busy week a lot of work but it was good! This week we got Interviews with Pres and thats always good but I love you all and hope this week is great for everyone.

Love Elder Dubois


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